Hello and welcome:)

Kimberly Grymes finds herself irresistibly drawn into the realms of science-fiction, fantasy, mystery, and the paranormal. After immersing herself in countless books and on-screen stories, she took the leap to craft and share her own imaginative tales. When she’s not weaving narratives, Kimberly enjoys spending time with her family, indulging in movies or TV shows, delving into captivating books, or crafting new designs and products for her Etsy shop.

As a versatile author specializing in young adult fiction, Kimberly’s Aevo Compendium Duology introduces readers to a thrilling YA science-fantasy series, while her Three Shades Trilogy offers a darker twist on YA fantasy.

Kimberly and her family reside on the outskirts of Wichita, Kansas, accompanied by their two lively miniature pinschers, Cori and Jubilee.

Visit Kimberly Grymes on these social media pages:

Instagram: @kgrymes.writes

Facebook: KGrymes.writer

Visit Kimberly Grymes Etsy shop

Etsy Shop

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